The first series consists of Clifford E. Maser's meetings and speeches that he presented while Dean of the college; series two includes curriculum materials used to initiate or continue courses in the college. Series three, Reports and Briefs, consist of annual, budget, and financial reports for the School of Commerce and its departments (including Political Science, Economics, and Sociology) for the period 1910 through 1925. Series three also includes briefs and reports regarding the duplication of courses between the University of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural College and transfer of the School of Commerce degree programs to the University of Oregon (1925-1932) and various reports (including self-studies) on the operation and functioning of the College from the late 1950s through the 1980s.
Series four consists of College of Business student handbooks and faculty handbooks; series five contains awards records pertaining to an award given to Ken and Joan Austin; and series six, Special Events Records, contains an announcement of a Product Testing Laboratory anniversary.
An addition to the College of Business Records (Accession 2001:100) is made up of publications, brochures, and flyers publicizing workshops and other events organized by the Austin Family Business Program. Among the events documented in these materials include the Family Business of the Year Awards and Family Business Day. There are also copies of the program's newsletter, Family Business Today, in this accession.
A second addition to the College of Business Records (Accession 2002:028) consists of publications generated by the Austin Family Business Program by College of Business faculty Patricia Frishkoff, Mark Fiegener, and Cynthia Chapman. In addition to annotated and unannotated versions of a bibliography of family business resources, topics addressed in these publications include: business contributions to community service, successor training, writing a business history, and understanding various taxes related to the management of a small business.
A third addition to the College of Business Records (Accession 2011:062) consists of materials generated by the Austin Family Business Program (AFBP) in the College of Business that document the program's organization of workshops/conferences, awarding of honors to regional family businesses, course instruction, and articles by AFBP Directors Patricia Frishkoff and Mark Green. Primarily focused upon the AFBP's education and outreach activities in the form of workshops and annual events such as the "Excellence in Family Business" awards, these materials are made up of correspondence, course materials, DVDs, handbooks, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, and publications. The clippings are a combination of stories about the program, press releases, articles by AFBP Director Mark Green, and ads for AFBP events. Numbering 11 DVDs and 1 VHS tape in total, the moving images mostly document the proceedings of AFBP award ceremonies, conferences, and workshops. The photographic and digital still images reflect AFBP award ceremonies and include shots of the winning families consisting of 200 prints and five cds.
A fourth addition to the College of Business Records (Accession 2013:028) is made up of 42 sound recordings on cassette tape generated by the Austin Family Business Program (AFBP) in the College of Business. Documenting presentations and lectures from AFBP organized workshops and conferences such as "Family Business Week," these tapes address a number of topics relating to business management that include: succession in family business, marketing, leadership styles, strategic planning, mission statements, and tools. In addition to AFBP director Pat Frishkoff, other OSU faculty and guest speakers represented on these recordings include: Lynn Spruill, John Ward, Cynthia Chapman, Robert Ames, and David Bork.
A fifth addition to the College of Business records (Accession 2014:021) is made up of publications produced by OSU which feature research by College of Business faculty. The bulk of these publications are part of the series "Studies in Management and Accounting for the Forest Products Industry" and were written by various faculty from the Colleges of Business and Forestry as well as forestry companies. Among the topics documented in these publications include: computer modeling, strategic planning, trading lumber futures, pool log transfer system, accounting, log inventory control, and productivity improvement campaigns. The two other publications are: "The Oregon Ski Areas Study: 1967-1968 Winter Season" and "A Managerial Guide to USFS Analytical Decision Techniques."