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Letter from Linus Pauling to Alexander Todd. April 26, 1939.
Pauling writes to provide Todd with an update on his life, mentioning in particular the impact that the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany has made on his travel plans and on certain members of the Caltech staff who are of European origin.


April 26, 1939

Professor A.R. Todd

The University of Manchester

Manchester, 13


Dear Alex:

After we had decided definitely to come to Europe this summer, the political situation made such progress in the wrong direction that we have decided to remain undecided for a while. Perhaps Hitler's address scheduled for day after tomorrow will be sufficiently significant in one way or the other to make up our minds for us. If we do come, we shall arrive in England early in July, and we are looking forward to seeing you and Alison.

We moved into our new house on March 10, Linus' birthday, and, although we are not yet settled there, we have been very happy. The children enjoy especially the freedom of life in the country, and they seem to be happier than ever before. I have been very pleased to have a pleasant study in which to work, as well as to admire the views, and I have spent more time at home than formerly. Ava Helen and I are driving up to Deep Springs and to Berkeley over the weekend, starting tomorrow. It has been a year and a half since I have gone to Berkeley, and I am looking forward to seeing what G.N. Lewis's men have under way.

I wish to thank you for your words about Zechmeister. I understand that he is troubled by the political situation in Hungary, and has been considering the question of leaving the country. We have not made any definite decision regarding another appointment in organic chemistry here.

Niemann seems to be getting along very well--he has done a fine job in outfitting the laboratory this year. No matter what addition to the staff is made, Niemann will retain complete freedom for carrying on his own work, as you advised.

With best regards, I am

Sincerely yours,


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