Interview with Linus Pauling. October 16, 1992. Interview by Thomas Hager for use in "Force of Nature: The Life of Linus Pauling,"
(Simon & Schuster, 1995).
Thomas Hager: The whole funding paradigm shifted to federal funding after World War II. Gradually,
you know, NIH and the NAS became very, very important funding sources. How did that
affect your research when the funding changed.
Linus Pauling: Well, in the 1930s, my main support was from the Rockefeller Foundation, and millions
of dollars had been raised for chemistry and for biology too. George Beadle and me
making joint applications for the last one I think.
Thomas Hager: Yeah, that big one.
Linus Pauling: During the war, of course, we were supported largely with defense contracts from
much of the work I was doing. But I think we also had some research funds. I continued
the antibody work and the x-ray crystallography, I think we were still getting money
other than from the government. Then after the war much of our work was supported
by - we had a good grant from the Infantile Paralysis Foundation, a million dollars
or something like that, and the Office of Naval Research. And then after the NSF
was set up I had a big grant from the National Science Foundation.
Creator: Thomas Hager, Linus Pauling Associated: George Beadle, National Institutes of Health, National Academy of Sciences, Rockefeller
Foundation, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Office of Naval Research,
National Science Foundation Clip ID: hager2.006.7-funding