Linus Pauling: Now the time has come when war has to be abandoned as a means of settling disputes
between nations, and replaced by law, international law and justice. I am glad. I
believe in morality. I abhor the immorality of war. I am glad that these great bombs
exist in the world. They prove to all of us that the time has come now when the evil
of war has to be abandoned, and I am confident that it is going to be abandoned, I
am confident that we shall achieve disarmament, that we shall be able to develop international
law in such a way that the nations are governed by it. I am happy to think that our
great nation, the United States of America, will become a moral nation along with
the other nations in the world, no longer relying upon the immorality of war, but
instead accepting the principles of morality, the ethical principles that have been
taught by the great religious and philisophical leaders and that are accepted by individual
human beings. And I hope that as this change in the nature of the world takes place,
it will be our great nation, the United States of America, that takes the lead.