Sat. Eve., Sept. 14
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Donohue
1801 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Dear Linus,
Just in case (very unlikely) you haven’t seen the enclosed I thought you’d be interested.
Thank you very much for your comments on my Faurier-DNA manuscript. I’ll send you
version II as soon as it comes back from the typist.
Largely because of the P.S. on your letter I am now spending every available free
moment on my elements book. As soon as it is finished I’ll send you a Xerox.
Now that the dust has settled after the publication of J.D. Watson’s book, may I remind
you of when I sought some advice from you, in your Church office at Caltech some years
back? I realize now that what I needed was really psychiatric advice – at that time
there were only three people in the world who knew how it really happened, J.D.W.,
F.H.C.C., & me, and now everyone knows, except that F.H.C.C. has probably forgotten.
But I shouldn’t bother you with my problems.
Things here at Penn are coming along very well – I’m very pleased at having moved.