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Letter from Peter Pauling to Linus and Ava Helen Pauling. March 1, 1953.
Peter writes to inform his parents of those individuals who will or will not be available to visit during Linus and Ava Helen's forthcoming trip to Europe. Peter also inquires into the possibility of his traveling with Linus and Ava Helen on their planned summer trip, and notes that "we were all excited about the nucleic acid structure. Many thanks for the paper."


Dear Parents.

Many thanks for your letters. I enjoy them very much. You are coming on Easter; J.C. Kendrew won’t be here, but that is all right. Max, Bragg, & most important Francis Crick will be here. I like the Cricks very much. I now go there for lunch on Sundays, which college does not supply.

Might you be in need of a chauffeur, mechanic, linguist, travelling companion, navigator, oil line break repairer, tire changer, witty conversationalist etc. on your trip next summer? I know just the fellow. Good friend of mine. While I cannot give an unqualified recommendation, still... Who is to sit in the other two seats? I can account for only two occupants.

We were all excited about the nucleic acid structure. Many thanks for the paper.

Alfred Tissière arrived. He is very nice. Has a big Bentley (old). He went to Alaska with Gunnar and Beadle.

Nice, lovely sun today. Second sunny day since I have been in England.

Much love,


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