Letter from Linus Pauling to Mathilde Debye. March 26, 1967

Pauling discusses his relationship with Peter Debye and explains that the Royal Society of London has asked Pauling to write Debye's biographical memoir, which he intends to do in association with Frank Long. He requests that Mathilde Debye speak with Frank Long about personal aspects of Peter Debye's life that might be included in the memoir and expresses his and Ava Helen Pauling's condolences.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to Mathilde Debye. Page 1. March 26, 1967
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Letter from Linus Pauling to Mathilde Debye. Page 2. March 26, 1967
Page 2

Associated: Peter Debye, Frank Long, Ava Helen Pauling, Royal Society of London

ID: corr90.2-lp-debye-19670326

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