Activity Listings
- Airline ticket: United Airlines, New York to Santa Barbara, leaving at 5 PM [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.004, Folder 4.2]
- Article: “Sea Cucumber Sibling Species: Polypeptide Chain Types and Oxygen Equilibrium of Hemoglobin,” Science, Vol. 152, June 3, 1966. RE: LP excerpted journal article and wrote “Hb” on the top of the page indicating that it needed to be inserted into his vertical file in the hemoglobin section. [Filed under LP Science: (Non-Pauling Reprints re: Hemoglobin research, 1960s), Box #6.010, Folder #10.1]
- Award: American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Incorporated, Honorary Membership. [Filed under LP Awards, 1966h.3]
- Check stub: Sarah Laurence College; paid to LP, Honorarium for Commencement Address [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.004, Folder 4.2]
- Handwritten notes by LP, RE: "The World of the Future," his Commencement address at Sarah Lawrence College. [Filed under LP Speeches, Box 1966s, Folder 1966s.14]
- Letter from Carol Koken, Administrative Secretary, Cornell University Press, to LP RE: Thanks LP for sending the executed copy of the Memorandum of Agreement regarding The Chemical Bond. [Filed under LP Books: (The Chemical Bond, by LP), Box #1967b, Folder #1967b.1]
- Letter from L.F. Collins, UCSB Chapter of Sigma Pi Sigma, to LP . RE: Collins is sorry that LP was unable to attend the Sigma Pi Sigma installation banquet in April, but hopes he could still become an honorary member in the fall. [Filed under LP Speeches, Box 1966s2.12]
- Letter from Lloyd M. Bertholf, Illinois Wesleyan University, to LP RE: Invites him to visit their campus to give a lecture. [Letter from LP to Bertholf June 7, 1966][Filed under LP Correspondence: I: Correspondence, 1966: Box #185, Folder #85.27]
- Letter from N. Shafiullah Khan, staff Correspondent, to Robert M. Hutchins, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, RE: Thanks Hutchins for his paper on Mass Communications and discusses the implications of it. [Filed under LP
- Letter from President Esther Raushenbush, Sarah Lawrence College, to LP . RE: Encloses LP's honorarium and asks for an accounting of his travel expenses so that the college might reimburse him. [Filed under LP Speeches, Box 1966s, Folder 1966s.14]
- Newspaper clipping: "The Lyons Den," regarding LP's work with Louis Nizer, New York Post. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1966n.69]
- Program, RE: Commencement, Sarah Lawrence College, 1966. [Filed under LP Speeches, Box 1966s, Folder 1966s.14]
- Program: 38th Annual Commencement, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box #6.009 Folder #9.11]