Letter from Linus Pauling to Harry Kalven, Jr. July 12, 1963

Pauling explains that he believes Bentley Glass' attacks on Pauling and his views on the health risks of nuclear fallout were personal in nature and ultimately damaging to Pauling. He also expresses his opinion that Eugene Rabinowich and the Bulletin have demonstrated a pattern of attacks on Pauling through the publication of an article by Helen Allison and two separate statements by Glass and, therefore, owe Pauling a formal apology.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to Harry Kalven, Jr. Page 1. July 12, 1963
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Letter from Linus Pauling to Harry Kalven, Jr. Page 2. July 12, 1963
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Associated: Helen Allison, Bentley Glass, Eugene Rabinowitch, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

ID: peace3.016.8-lp-kalven-19630712

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