Letter from Linus Pauling to Philip A. Vaughan. Page 1. February 20, 1961
Letter from Linus Pauling to Philip A. Vaughan. February 20, 1961. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Austin Wilkinson to LP, RE: Wilkinson's nephew, Gerald Wayne Clough, is a student at Caltech, and Wilkinson would like him to do research in the area of ocean water use in industrial processes and for irrigation. Wilkinson encloses a paper further describing the research. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1960-1962), #445.2]
  • Letter from Crellin Pauling to LP and AHP. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Family Correspondence: Family Correspondence: Edward Crellin Pauling, 1930-1995), Box #5.048, Folder #48.8] 
    21 Feb 1961

    Dear Folks:

    We are in our new house. Very nice. The view, the fireplace, the room for kids to play. Our telephone number is EMerson 42361. Note similarity to address 4231 East 124th. Isn't that funny?

    I am going to Pasdena this Friday eve for a few days, then to meeting at La Jolla. Would you make an appointment with Dr. Whipple for me for cleaning, on Monday, if possible? Lucy's birthday is next week.

    I must go. Much to do.

    Love love love


    Al Jacobsen will get me at airport - we have agreement.

    The boy is very sweet and good - he smiles at me. I hope UAL continues to run.

  • Letter from David W. Weiser, Shimer College, to LP. RE: Asks him to give an evaluation of James Short. [Letter from LP February 22, 1961, February 24, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2] 
  • Letter from Dr. Jerry Donohue, University of Southern California, to LP, RE: Dr. Donohue has listed LP as a reference for the position of Chairman of the Chemistry Department at Washington State University, but is not sure how much he wants it; he must first learn more information about it. [Letter from LP to Dr. Donohue, February 23, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (D: Individual Correspondence. (Dil-Dyson)), #96.10] 
  • Letter from Earl Stoppa, to LP. RE: Handwritten in German? [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2] 
  • Letter from Elsie Monjar to LP, RE: Monjar would like copies of the petitions to circulate for signatures in the Los Angeles area.  Monjar encloses a couple of dollars to defray the costs of the petitions.  [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.2]
  • Letter from John V. Dodge, Encyclopedia Britannica, to LP. RE: Invites him to write an article on Hemoglobin for a forthcoming printing of the Encyclopedia Britannica. [Letter from LP February 24, 1961] [Filed under LP Biographical: E: Organizational Correspondence (Encyclopedia Britannica): Box #111 Folder #111.7]
  • Letter from LP to Alan Paton, RE:  LP invites Paton to become a sponsor or the conference against the spread of nuclear weapons which he and AHP are planning to hold in Oslo in May.  LP notes that the idea of holding the conference is he and AHP’s and that no other organization is involved in the planning of the conference.  LP also extends an invitation to attend the conference to Paton and LP hopes that he will attend.  [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.2]
  • Letter from LP to Arturo Rosenblueth, RE:  LP invites Rosenblueth to become a sponsor or the conference against the spread of nuclear weapons which he and AHP are planning to hold in Oslo in May.  LP notes that the idea of holding the conference is he and AHP’s and that no other organization is involved in the planning of the conference.  LP also extends an invitation to attend the conference to Rosenblueth and LP hopes that he will attend. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.2]
  • Letter from LP to Brock Chisholm, RE:  LP invites Chisholm  to become a sponsor or the conference against the spread of nuclear weapons which he and AHP are planning to hold in Oslo in May.  LP notes that the idea of holding the conference is he and AHP’s and that no other organization is involved in the planning of the conference.  LP also extends an invitation to attend the conference to Chisholm and LP hopes that he will attend. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.2]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Karl Barth, RE:  LP invites Barth  to become a sponsor or the conference against the spread of nuclear weapons which he and AHP are planning to hold in Oslo in May.  LP notes that the idea of holding the conference is he and AHP’s and that no other organization is involved in the planning of the conference.  LP also extends an invitation to attend the conference to Barth and LP hopes that he will attend. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.2]
  • Letter from LP to Gunnar Myrdal, RE:  LP invites Myrdal to become a sponsor or the conference against the spread of nuclear weapons which he and AHP are planning to hold in Oslo in May.  LP notes that the idea of holding the conference is he and AHP’s and that no other organization is involved in the planning of the conference.  LP also extends an invitation to attend the conference to Myrdal and LP hopes that he will attend. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.2]
  • Letter from LP to Lord Boyd Orr, RE:  LP invites Orr to become a sponsor or the conference against the spread of nuclear weapons which he and AHP are planning to hold in Oslo in May.  LP notes that the idea of holding the conference is he and AHP’s and that no other organization is involved in the planning of the conference.  LP also extends an invitation to attend the conference to Orr and LP hopes that he will attend. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.2]
  • Letter from LP to Max Born, RE:  LP invites Born to become a sponsor or the conference against the spread of nuclear weapons which he and AHP are planning to hold in Oslo in May.  LP notes that the idea of holding the conference is he and AHP’s and that no other organization is involved in the planning of the conference.  LP also extends an invitation to attend the conference to Born and LP hopes that he will attend. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.2].
  • Letter from LP to Rameshwari Nehru, RE:  LP invites Paton to become a sponsor or the conference against the spread of nuclear weapons which he and AHP are planning to hold in Oslo in May.  LP notes that the idea of holding the conference is he and AHP’s and that no other organization is involved in the planning of the conference.  LP also extends an invitation to attend the conference to Paton and LP hopes that he will attend. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.2]
  • Letter from Lazaro Cardenas to LP, RE: Written in Spanish. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence, 1961-1962), #76.1] 
  • Letter from Leslie Sutton, Magdalen College, Oxford, to LP. RE: Sends greetings to LP on his 60th birthday. Remembers the time he spend with LP in California. [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Individual Correspondence): Box #370 Folder #370.8]
  • Letter from Linda Hopkins to Guy Jarrett, RE: Returns the enclosed material as requested.  [Note from Mr. Jarrett to LP, 2-1961] [Note from Mr. Jarrett to Mrs. Hopkins, February 24, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (J: Correspondence, 1933-1934, 1936-1964), #192.27]
  • Letter from Louis M. Hacker, American Civil Liberties Union, to LP RE: Encloses a statement detailing the reasons why many professors believe the House Committee on Un-American Activities should be discontinued. Hopes LP will sign the statement, which will be released to the press. [Letter from Hacker and Malin to LP February 23, 1961] [Filed under LP Biographical: (Civil Liberties – House Un-American Activities Committee, 1961-1963), Box #2.042, Folder #42.2] 
  • Letter from Margaret Armstrong, Secretary, Committee on Arts and Lectures, University of California, Santa Barbara, to LP, RE: Thanks LP for the lecture he gave at the University last week. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence, 1958-1961), #13.4] 
  • Letter from Martin Niemöller to LP, RE: Niemöller has been asked from various friends, including Alois Stoff, to invite LP to come to Europe for a few months during the summer.  He knows he is busy, but they would have no difficulty in arranging meetings and covering the travel expenses. [Letter from LP to Niemöller, March 14, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Individual Correspondence. (Newman-Nowacki)), #277.6]
  • Letter from R. E. Rundle, Osaka City University, to LP. RE: Congratulates him on the way he has used his years to create a memorable scientific period of distinguished development. [Filed under LP Correspondence (R: Individual Correspondence): Box #336 Folder #336.12] 
  • Letter from R.E. Rundle to LP, RE: Rundle wishes LP a happy birthday and praises his scientific achievements. Because of his unmatched contributions to science, Rundle used to worry as he watched LP's other interests grow, but he is now happy to admit that mankind owes LP a great debt for his work in promoting peace. Rundle wishes LP and long and continued productive life. [Filed under LP Correspondence (R: Individual Correspondence. (Rosbaud-Rundle)) #336.12]
  • Letter from Reverend Hiram B. Holdridge, Logan Square Methodist Church, to LP, RE: Rev. Holdridge is in a “running battle” with his Kiwanis Club over the recent showing of Operation Abolition, and also relative to the HUAC.  He recalls LP’s address at the Midland Hotel in Chicago on December 14, 1960, and asks if LP has any personal word or aid to help him. [Letter from LP to Rev. Holdridge, February 25, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence, 1961-1962), #168.1]
  • Letter from Sally Goertz to LP, RE: Goertz requests 100 copies of the appeal and is enclosing $1.00 [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.2]
  • Letter from V. Chkhikvadze to LP, RE: Wishes LP a Happy Birthday; expresses admiration for all his hard work. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence, 1961-1962), #76.1] 
  • List of people to remind about the Conference and people still left to request as sponsors.  [Filed under LP Peace: (Oslo Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, May 2-7, 1961), Box #2.003, Folder #3.2]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Preis der, Super-Waserstoffbombe: 15000 Lebensuntuchtige Kinder,” Westdeubsdres Fageblass, February 21, 1961. [Filed under LP Biographical: (LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965), Box #6.008, Folder #8.31]
  • Note from Henry and Olive Mayer, RE: Send LP best wishes on his birthday, and hope that he will have many more.  His work has served as a beacon of hope for them and many others.  They wish they could be with him on his birthday, but will be unable to because they are hosting four professional women from the Soviet Union, in the hopes that more exchange will take place. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Individual Correspondence. (Mark, Herman - Mayer)), #244.6]
  • Note from Jacob J. Blum to Mrs. Clark, RE: Mr. Blum would like his name included on a message of congratulations to LP for his birthday. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (B: Correspondence, 1958-1961.), #39.4] 
  • Typescript: ‘Statement of Representative James Roosevelt Before the House Administration Committee on Requested Appropriation of the House Committee on Un-American Activities,” February 21, 1961. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Pauling v. Bellingham Publishing Company, 1960-1962), Box #3.002, Folder #2.9] 
  • Typescript: “Study of the Motions in the Atmospheres of Red Giant Stars,” by Guido Munch. Research proposal approved and returned February 21, 1961 by LP. [Filed under LP Biographical: California Institute of Technology: Committee on Sponsored Research, 1960-1961), Box #1.026, Folder #26.3]