Pauling Diary: "France and England 1952 / Also Toronto." 1952

Pauling's diary includes a series of entries regarding scientific research while in Europe and Canada. Among these entries are notes on enzyme mutations in bacterium and CH3 and CH2 radicals. The diary also contains information on the sale of Pauling’s textbook, General Chemistry, in France.

Pauling Diary: "France and England 1952 / Also Toronto." Page 104. 1952
Page 104

Associated: Max Perutz, Francis Crick, David Harker, Joan Keilin, K. Selmayr, J. Monteath Robertson, Henry Borsook, Felix Haurowitz, Marc Julia, Alexander Todd, Michael Heidelberger, Michel Magat, D.P. Riley, Fritz Arndt, James D. Watson, Alfred D. Hershey, Antoine Lacassagne, J. D. Bernal, Vladimir Vand, Jeffries Wyman, Maurice Wilkins, William Seeds, E. J. Ambrose, Allan Butler, John T. Edsall, George A. Jeffrey, W.L. Bragg, John Kendrew, J.T. Randall, Raymond G. Gosling, William C. Price, Harry Carlisle, Frederick Ernest King, Robert Corey, Donald D. Woods, Helmut Zahn, Richard Bear, Barbara Low, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, William Cochran, Mortimer L. Anson, Sewall Wright, Julian Huxley, V.N. Orekhovich, M.V. Butrov, Thomas Spence Work, Albert Neuberger, Jacques Monod, Hans H. Weber, R.H. Hall, George F. Wright, A. A. Albanese, Rodney Porter, Merrill W. Chase, Werner Mass, Thomas L. Gresham, Philip W. Hemily, Jean-André-Gilbert Desmaroux, M. Luzzati, Paul D. Bartlett, Pierre Donzelot, Georges Friedel, André Lwoff, Giussepe Bertani, Mark H. Adams, Rene Paris, Harry Carlisle, H.R. Crane, R. D. B. Fraser, G.S. Parry, Alan H. Wilson, C. H. Bamford, Laszlo Lorand, Rosalind Franklin, A. Elliott, Masamichi Tsuboi, Herbert M. Powell, Alfred Werner, Karl Freudenberg, Holger Erdtman, Ian MacArthur, William Astbury, Martin H. Dawson, Otto Kratky, Francis O. Schmitt, Isidor Fankuchen, Ralph W.G. Wyckoff, S. E. Bresler, J.B.S. Haldane, Heinrich Hörlein, G. Weber, Lucien Cuénot

ID: safe4.033

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