Letter from Linus Pauling to Colston Warne, National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions. Page 1. April 3, 1950
Letter from Linus Pauling to Colston Warne, National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions. April 3, 1950. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Travel: Shreveport, LA

Activity Listings

  • Letter from A.W. Trueman to LP RE: Thanks him for his previous letter. Regrets that LP will not be able to attend Fredericton this spring. Will continue with LP’s suggestion to give him a honorary LL.D. and that he hopes to see him sometime in the future. [Filed under LP Honors and Awards: 1950h.3]
  • Letter from Chauncey D. Leake to LP RE: Regrets that he will not be there when LP visits the University of Texas. Asks for LP’s comments and suggestions regarding the program. (“Chemistry in the Twentieth Century,” by LP continued on the back of this letter from letter of April 3, 1950) [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles #1950a.7]
  • Letter from Dr. Emil Ott to Committee on Financing ACS Publications RE: Discusses the results of a survey done on the use of Chemical Abstracts as well as what decisions should be made based on those results. [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949), Box #14.009, Folder #9.4]
  • Letter from Executive Secretary, Gates and Crellin Laboratories, to Marks Neidle, President, City College Chemistry Alumni RE: Informs him of LP’s desire to republish his talk, “Sickle Cell Anemia,” with the College of Medical Evangelists. Asks him to write directly to Dr. Couperus regarding permission to do so. Encloses the address and a copy of a letter to Mr. Brescis. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.10]
  • Letter from LP to Anna H. Koffler, Instructor in Biological Sciences, University of Kansas City, RE: States that he is away from Pasadena so he is unaware of the availability of the compounds that she requested, but that he is pretty sure that the lab does not have them. Forwards her letter to Dan H. Campbell to be answered in more detail. On the backside of the letter, there is a note to Dan Campbell regarding to Koffler’s request. [Letter from Koffler to LP February 15, 1950, Letter from Campbell to Koffler April 6, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (K: Correspondence, 1950), #200.15]
  • Letter from LP to Kenneth Browne RE: Encloses a reprint of LP’s Carnegie Hall address. Apologizes that he cannot enclose an autographed photo at this time because he is away from Pasadena. States that he will send a photo upon his return home. [Note from Browne to LP February 16, 1950, Letter from Browne to LP April 23, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (B: Correspondence, 1950), #37.17]
  • Letter from LP to R. C. Symonds, Secretary, Committee for Commonwealth University Exchange, RE: Answers Symond’s request for information about Dr. R. P. Mitra, who has applied for a travel grant. LP gives a good reference, stating that Mitra’s work is generally good and they would benefit by employing him. [Letter from Symonds to LP December 9, 1949, Letter from Law to LP April 14, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1950), #256.1]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Chemical Society to Hear Dr. Pauling”, New Orleans (Louisiana) Times-Picayune, April 4, 1950. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.55]