Letter from Linus Pauling to E.J. Rausch. July 10, 1945

Pauling states that, after consulting with Emerson, he has concluded that Rausch should contact Dr. Bodle of the U.S. Rubber Company for information regarding research on the application of American-made rubbers. He notes Emerson's favorable impression of Bodle and explains that, while Caltech does not have the equipment to allow for Rausch's research, Bodle may provide Rausch with equipment and lab space. Pauling provides contact information for Dr. Bodle.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to E.J. Rausch. Page 1. July 10, 1945
Page 1

Associated: Robert Emerson, Virgil Bodle, Frank Schweitzer, Jr., California Institute of Technology, United States Rubber Company

ID: corr128.11-lp-rausch-19450710

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