Letter from Linus Pauling to Eugene Eyster. Page 1. August 15, 1940
Letter from Linus Pauling to Eugene Eyster. August 15, 1940. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Francis M. Turner, Vice President, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, to LP RE: States that each member of the American Chemical Society Monographs can receive any monograph free at his request. States LP now also has this privilege and should send any requests he might have for monographs. Handwritten and crossed out in the top margin: “ “Properties of Glass” Morey.” Handwritten in the bottom margin: “ “Phenomena at the Temperature of Lequid Helium,” Burton, Smith, & William; “Roman(?) Effect & its Chemical Applications” Wibben; “Properties of Water Substance” Dorsey; “The Reactions of Pure Hydrocarbons” Egloff; “Physical Constants of [Hydrocarbons]” Vols I & II Egloff.” [Letter from LP to F. M. Turner August 28, 1940] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #410.5]
  • Letter from LP [dictated but not read] to Prof. S. H. Graf, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oregon State College, RE: Replies that Budenholzer is probably not a Jew, but is not at all recommendable. Notes that he has accepted an appointment at the Armour Institute in Chicago. Adds that Millkan describes Kybal as an average student but having a very bad personality and would not recommend him either. Mentions that all the aeronautical engineers have been recruited by industry, except Kybal and one American-born Japanese who plans to seek work in Japan. Regrets they have been unable to send any good recommendations. [Letters from Graf to LP August 8, 1940, September 20, 1940] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #140.5, file:(G: Correspondence, 1940)]
  • Letter from LP to the Gentlemen at the First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Pasadena. Requests that they consider the possibility of changing the interest rate on his loan no. 579 from 6% to 5%. [Letter from Patton to LP, August 23, 1940] LP Safe Drawer 2, Folder 2.034
  • Letter from the Pasadena Committee to Mather Eliot, Inter-democracy Federal Unionists, New York, RE: requests about 500 reprints of the Union Now advertisements in the New York Times, or as many as can be spared. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.006, Folder 6.5]
  • Notice from J.H. Sinclair, Pasadena Committee of Federal Union, encouraging action be taken to further Federal Union before Great Britain is defeated in the war. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.007, Folder 7.4]