Letter from Linus Pauling to Eugene Eyster. August 15, 1940

Pauling requests that Eyster visit Rabi in New York and discuss Rabi's method of determining electric dipole moments. Pauling explains Eyster's salary and travel reimbursement. He discusses news from the labs, including the acquisition of an International Business Machine for punched cards. Pauling also mentions his experiments with immunology and antibody structure, along with his paper that is to appear in the September JACS.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to Eugene Eyster. Page 1. August 15, 1940
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Letter from Linus Pauling to Eugene Eyster. Page 2. August 15, 1940
Page 2

Associated: I. I. Rabi, American Chemical Society, University of Michigan

ID: corr110.8-lp-eyster-19400815

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