"Liquids" Page 1. April 11, 1939
"Liquids" April 11, 1939. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 4 pp.

Activity Listings

  • LP writes cheque to: First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Pasadena amount $1177.89 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.015, Folder #2]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. L. Michaelis RE: LP thanks Michaelis for sending his interesting manuscript on Wurster's dyes. LP only makes one suggestion and that is on page 17. [Filed under: LP Correspondence: Box #246, Folder #246.9]
  • Letter from LP to F. R. Moulton, Permanent Secretary, American Association for the Advancement of Science RE: LP will be unable to attend the April meeting of the Executive Committee, but wishes that his strong feelings against the allowance cuts to the Divisions be taken into consideration when the topic is discussed. [Moulton's reply April 17, 1939] [Filed under LP Science: Box #14.001, Folder #1.2]
  • Letter from LP to Henri Brasseur RE: LP suggests Brasseur send his paper to Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie. The title of his new book is The Nature of the Chemical Bond. LP is undecided about a European trip, but still hopes to go. [Brasseur's letter March 21, 1939; LP's next letter September 5, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #31, Folder #31.3]
  • Letter from LP to S. F. Acree, Bureau of Standards RE: LP has not, as of yet, been able to find a post-doctoral researcher interested in the position with the Bureau of Standards. However, he does suggest Dr. Henri Levy, who will be abroad in the coming year, and Dr. David Harker, who is teaching at Johns Hopkins University, if they can be persuaded to give up their current plans. [Letter from Acree March 18, 1939; Acree's reply April 17, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #1, Folder #1.2]