The Rockefeller Foundation
49 West 49th Street, New York 20
LONDON OFFICE: 56 Curzon Street, W. 1. Telephone: Grosvenor 4485.
The Natural Sciences
Warren Weaver, Director
H. Marshall Chadwell, Associate Director
Harry M. Miller, Jr., Associate Director
Gerard R. Pomerat, Assistant Director
Saturday afternoon, May 22nd, 1948.
Professor Linus Pauling,
Eastman Exchange Professor,
Oxford University, Oxford.
Dear Linus,
Dr. Pomerat and I have just returned from a couple of days at Oxford. You will doubtless
hear that we were there, and I don't want you to think we failed, from carelessness
or lack of interest, to look you up.
Actually we deliberately avoided you! I hear on all sides that you are working too
hard; we had no specific or pressing business with you; and I refuse to complicate
your life further and unnecessarily. So just take this note as proof that you were
not forgotten.
Warren Weaver
Director for the Natural Sciences.