June 28, 1943
Dr. Linus Pauling
Gates and Crellin Chemical Laboratories
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California
Dear Doctor Pauling:
I am enclosing a report on the research on the production of artificial antibodies
which I carried out during the spring quarter at Pasadena. Dr. Wright took an active
part in these experiments and his suggestions and aid were most helpful.
Well, perhaps you are right about the possibility of production of artificial antibodies;
however, I must say that I am glad it is your and Dan's baby and not mine. Best
of luck, and if in my wanderings around in the field of proteins, I turn up something
which might prove of value to you, I'll send it to you.
I am wondering what your reaction might be to having Swingle and Wright make up an
electrophoresis cell for us.
Sincerely yours,
Henry B. Bull